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Sutton Bonington

Primary School

Belong, Strive, Flourish

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Attendance and Absence


We expect all of our children to have excellent attendance and are committed to supporting our families with ensuring this. Is it essential for children to have good attendance at school in order to be able to succeed. 


We appreciate that sometimes children may need to miss school if they are too unwell to attend. If your child is going to be absent or if you are running late, you must let the school office know, ideally before 9am. We have a statutory duty to keep an attendance record for your child. If they are not in school, and we have not been provided with a reason for the absence, we will contact you and enquire as to their whereabouts.


If you are unsure of whether to keep your child at home due to illness, the NHS offers some advice around this. You can access this information by clicking here.


For all absences, either e-mail or call the school office on 01509 672661. If there is no-one in the office please leave a message - they are regularly monitored.


If your child will be off school for a planned leave of absence, please arrange to see the head teacher to discuss this. You will then be asked to complete an absence form - this can be accessed by clicking here. This will need to be completed ideally at least 4 weeks before the planned leave. Please note that school will not authorise an absence due to a family holiday - planned absences can only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.


We regularly monitor children's attendance and will contact families where we have concerns to see how we can offer support. 
