Lunch Menus
Here at Sutton Bonington Primary School, we offer a range of delicious meals for our pupils. All infant aged children (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) will receive their lunchtime school meal free of charge and meals for children in Years 3 - 6 are charged at £2.95 per day (as of December 2023). Payments are made using the online 'Squid' money system. School meals are freshly cooked on the premises each day and are nutritionally balanced - the menu is shared with families each term. Our team of lunchtime staff will always encourage your child to try new things but will respect their wishes should they choose not to.
A vegetarian option is always available and dietary requirements are also catered for. Please inform the school office if your child has any dietary requirements and the relevant menu changes will be put into place by the school chef, and shared with parents and carers.
Some children may be entitled to free school meals and milk depending on family circumstances. Please click here for more information.
Although we encourage you and your child to take up the offer of a daily hot school meal, you may also choose to send a packed lunch in with your child instead of a hot meal. As we are committed to being a healthy school, we would ask that this contains healthy items i.e. no crisps or biscuits. All packed lunches should be sent into school in a clearly labelled lunchbox or bag.
A copy of our current menu can be downloaded below.