By the end of Reception, children who are working at age related expectations should be able to:
- Read some common irregular words.
- Use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read aloud accurately.
- Identify rhymes and alliteration.
- Join in with rhyming patterns.
- Read and understand simple sentences.
- Demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read.
- Make basic predictions.
- Identify start and end of a sentence.
- Write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others.
- Use capital letters and full stops to demarcate sentences.
- Write demarcated sentences.
- Use correct pencil grip.
- Write name (correct upper and lower case).
- Use correct letter formation for familiar words.
- Count reliably to 20.
- Order numbers 1 – 20.
- Say 1 more/1 less to 20.
- Add and subtract two single digit numbers.
- Count on/back to find the answer.